What is Pyridoxine and How Does it Work?

The Power of Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine): Sources, Benefits, and Deficiency Effects

Vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a crucial role in various processes within the human body, including the production of red blood cells. It can be found in abundance in meat and whole-grain products. In this article, we'll explore the role of vitamin B6 in our bodies, its sources, and the symptoms and causes of its deficiency.

The Role of Vitamin B6 in the Human Body

Pyridoxine, pyridoxal, and pyridoxamine are all derivatives of pyridine and contribute to the various functions of vitamin B6. This essential nutrient is absorbed into the bloodstream from the entire gastrointestinal tract and is stored in the brain, liver, and muscles in a form called pyridoxal phosphate. As a coenzyme in amino acid metabolism, vitamin B6 is crucial for the proper functioning of the nervous system, muscle and heart contractions, and overall immune system support. Often, vitamins B6 and B12 work closely together.

What Does Vitamin B6 Do for the Human Body?

Vitamin B6 is involved in the function of over 100 enzymes present in the human body, significantly accelerating metabolic processes. It plays a significant role in protein metabolism, fat-soluble vitamins, and tryptophan metabolism. Additionally, vitamin B6 greatly impacts glycogenesis and glycogenolysis and is a primary contributor to hemoglobin production.

Symptoms and Effects of Vitamin B6 Deficiency

Typically, a deficiency in vitamin B6 results in extensive skin changes and mucous membrane issues in the oral cavity. A deficiency can lead to serious consequences such as depression, mood deterioration, apathy, insomnia, and other psychological disorders. Fortunately, vitamin B6 deficiency is relatively rare. In some cases, a deficiency can lead to epileptic seizures. Individuals suffering from anemia or experiencing excessive hair loss should have their vitamin B6 levels checked promptly. Numbness in the limbs, often caused by slowed nerve and circulatory system function, is another symptom. Many children with mental disorders are also tested for vitamin B6 deficiency.

Causes of Vitamin B6 Deficiency

The primary culprit for vitamin B6 deficiency is an extremely poor diet and the use of contraceptive pills by women who have chosen this form of birth control. Other causes include breastfeeding and the consumption of various anti-tuberculosis medications. As evident, there can be multiple causes, and it is essential to undergo regular checkups. Vitamin B6 is particularly important during pregnancy due to fetal demand.

Increased Vitamin B6 Requirements

The need for vitamin B6 increases when consuming foods rich in protein. The optimal amount of vitamin B6 is 0.02 mg per 1 gram of protein.

Vitamin B6 Overdose

Overdosing on vitamin B6 is extremely rare, and it is difficult to consume excessive amounts. A toxic daily dose is 200 mg, which can lead to unpleasant side effects such as:

  • Muscle incoordination,
  • Tingling in all limbs,
  • Feeling cold, even when it is warm,
  • Degeneration.

Sources of Vitamin B6

To answer the question, "Where is vitamin B6 found?" one of the richest sources is buckwheat groats. This product contains an incredibly high amount of the vitamin. Other sources include cold cuts, chicken, turkey, and pork. However, keep in mind that cooking or frying processes can significantly reduce the vitamin B6 content in these products, sometimes by up to 50%. Vitamin B6 is also found in fruits and vegetables.

To permanently eliminate the issue of vitamin B6 deficiency, proper supplementation 

is essential. By incorporating the right supplements into your routine, you can safely and quickly replenish any deficiencies. Pay close attention to your body and assess your overall well-being. Taking dietary supplements is not only convenient but also highly effective. The absorption of vitamin B6 from supplements is significantly higher than from food sources.

Recommended Daily Intake of Vitamin B6

The daily intake of vitamin B6 varies depending on age, gender, and life stage. Here are some general guidelines for daily vitamin B6 intake:

  • Infants (0-6 months): 0.1 mg
  • Infants (7-12 months): 0.3 mg
  • Children (1-3 years): 0.5 mg
  • Children (4-8 years): 0.6 mg
  • Children (9-13 years): 1.0 mg
  • Male teenagers (14-18 years): 1.3 mg
  • Female teenagers (14-18 years): 1.2 mg
  • Adult men (19-50 years): 1.3 mg
  • Adult women (19-50 years): 1.3 mg
  • Adult men (51+ years): 1.7 mg
  • Adult women (51+ years): 1.5 mg
  • Pregnant women: 1.9 mg
  • Breastfeeding women: 2.0 mg

These values are approximate and should be adjusted based on individual needs and dietary habits. It's always best to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any supplementation regimen.


Vitamin B6 is an essential nutrient that plays a vital role in many bodily functions, including red blood cell production, nervous system functioning, and immune system support. To ensure optimal health, it's crucial to maintain adequate levels of vitamin B6 by consuming a balanced diet rich in whole-grain products, lean meats, fruits, and vegetables, as well as considering supplementation when necessary. Regular checkups and monitoring of vitamin B6 levels can help prevent deficiency and promote overall well-being.

3 minute read

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